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Peron and his horse pinto Mancha

If there is an emblematic photo and with a symbolic load unparalleled in Peronism is that of Peron mounted on horseback. Framed in the festivities and commemoration of the San Martín Year, a parade took place on August 17, 1950 led by President Juan...
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The Creole Horse

The Creole horse comes from the first horses, Andalusian and Arab, imported by the Spanish conquistadors in the sixteenth century. Over time these horses, often wild, adapted to their new surroundings, to the plains of the pampa, became resistant and rustic by natural selection....
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Premio Polla de Potrillos

Una tradición de 120 años Polla de Potrillos es una competición que se lleva a cabo en varios países de América Latina, y a menudo es el primer eslabón de la Triple Corona o Cuádruple Corona para caballos purasangre de cada País. En esta...
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Did you know

El primer caballo era tan pequeño como un zorro. El primer antepasado del caballo vivió hace 50 millones de años, de nombre Hyracotherium, media unos 60 centímetros de largo por unos 20 de altura hasta el hombro. Fuente: http://ow.ly/RpTD308xs9E
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Did you Know?

In the statues of a horse and rider, if the horse has two front legs in the air, the rider died in battle. If the horse has a raised leg, the rider died as a result of the wounds received in battle and if...
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History of Ascot Racecourse

Did you know? When Queen Anne of England opened the Ascot Racecourse in 1711, she did not imagine that this geographical point of Berkshire County was about to become the quintessence of the British, that perfect combination of tradition, royalty and extravagance. And that...